Before you dismiss the idea of fish tacos, let me just explain that they really are more delicious than they sound! You put a piece of tilapia on a corn tortilla, and add Mary's mixture of mango, avocado, and red pepper, then a bit of sour cream and cheese... mmmm... it was marvelous!

And before you dismiss the belief that games can be utterly entertaining, let me advise you to play "The Game of Things" and "Last Word" with the Malchuk kids. If that isn't enough, combine the hilarious thought patterns of Kevan and Alan into one team member, and well... you either get mass chaos or inspiration overload. Either way, you'll have a great time.
And if there is anyone pitiful enough to try to dismiss the value of great fellowship, let me paint a picture for you... of a family and friends lingering around a dining room table drinking tea and coffee and eating homemade cookies after dinner, sharing stories and jokes and laughter, discussing books and movies and games and art projects, and listening to one of their number playing a harp (yes, a real harp). It may seem like nothing out of the ordinary is happening on the surface, but even the common, everyday-ness of the scene shimmers with the transcending reality that this is how life is meant to be... this is what true fellowship looks like among those who trust and rest and find their peace and joy in the Lord.
It's only a shadow of what we will get to experience in heaven, but doesn't that in itself make your bones tingle? If this - this time of love and inspiration around a table, this time of delight and intimacy hunkered down together on couches and easy chairs - is so sweet and precious, who can imagine what it will be like in the absense of a fallen world and in the very presence of our Jesus? Thank you, Lord, for these glimpses of eternity... for this bit of heaven we can sample on earth.