"Hakuna" must be Swahili for "nothing" or "none" some negative... I figured that out for myself. :) In Disney's "The Lion King," there is a song that means "No Worries," and in Swahili it is "Hakuna Matata." (Yes, I am well aware that I probably just caused most of you to get that song stuck in your head for the rest of the day!) But an even better song - with even more truth - is the one I heard today... one that I actually learned at the Urbana conference in December... one that says "Hakuna Mungu Kamuwewe": There is No One Like Jesus.
Today our church (with the organizational talents of Connie and Kevan Chandler) hosted the Watoto Children's Choir from Uganda. "Watoto" means "Children." It was amazing - lots of bright colors, strong voices, powerful testimonies, and energetic moves. The smiles on those kids' faces were enough to fill your heart with joy. If you want to know more about their ministry, go to their website: http://www.watoto.com/.

They told about how God is their father and provider, even though they and many others are orphans on this earth. They spoke of their hope for life and the future because of Jesus. They worshipped him as they sang, and I could tell that they meant every word... that they love Jesus with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.
They are ambassadors for the other orphans and victims of AIDS and violence in their country, being their voice in a clueless and ignorant world. But they are also ambassadors of the kingdom of the Lord, clearly and personally presenting the truth of the gospel, and the evidence of its power in their lives.
God, bless the Watoto of Uganda. Broaden their territory and amplify their message to the ends of the earth. Keep them safe and healthy as they travel, and use them to the glory of Your name.
There's no one, there's no one like Jesus -
There's no one, there's no one like Him!
I ran and ran all over, over
I turned and turned all over, over
I searched and searched all over, over -
There's no one, there's no one like Him!
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