Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Today I got to visit with Pastor Meng Pu and his daughter, Emily. He told me he was praying for me, which I thought was pretty cool and sweet, and I thanked him for it.

But he kept going - he said there were about ten people in ministry that he prays for daily, and he rattled them off on his fingers, and I was one of them. I felt honored and grateful, and again I thanked him for it; life is hard and ministry is hard and making decisions is hard, so knowing he is praying for me is really great.

But he kept going - he couldn't find the words, so he knelt down on the ground and raised his hands high and again emphasized that he prays for me daily... and then he sat back down and rolled up his pant legs, and showed me big, hard, thick callouses on his knees.

The lump in my throat kept me from thanking him again. It is the most overwhelming feeling to find out someone is literally wearing out their knees in prayer for you.

I am so thankful that man is in my life.

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