Thursday, June 26, 2014

On the verge of another adventure

I've packed my bags, gotten my van tuned up, reserved some hotels, and printed out directions (yeah I know, I'm old-fashioned). Tonight, Mary and Anna and I are fading West. We're heading out to California, and driving through 14 states in the process. I think we're bound to see some cool things and have some cool experiences along the way, and whenever I have internet access, I'll try to update you with stories and pictures... so stay tuned!

My west coast trip last summer was powerful and beautiful, and I think God was trying to use it to prepare me for the crazy year that followed. And now I find myself at another crossroads, and I really have no idea what the next year will hold for me. But I know Jesus holds me and the plans he has for me, so I'm trying to trust him with all that. And I'm trusting that he will use this trip to prepare me for the next steps. Praying for refreshment, peace, and clarity... And also lots of joy with my friends - laughter, singing, hiking, eating, and memory making!

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