Thursday, September 16, 2010

International Teams

I realized today that yet another dream of mine has come true. For years I have dreamed and prayed that I could see myself involved in something much bigger than just me and what I'm directly doing. And now I find that I am.

I knew International Teams had a US base and a Canada base, and was vaguely aware that they had a base in the UK. What I didn't know is that there are actually nine countries around the world that have their own ITeams offices. The leaders of each office meet to stay connected and they share a main vision and mission, but there is no "HQ" for all of them. They are each acutely aware of their own cultures and train and send out their own missionaries accordingly. There are 1200 ITeams workers in 66 countries, serving in urban, youth, Muslim, refugee, church planting, community development, and anti-slavery/anti-trafficking ministries. This is a list of their awesome values:

The president of ITeams USA told us today that his "elevator pitch" version of what we do is this: "We bring churches, schools and businesses together to help the economically, physically, and spiritually oppressed." When I heard that, I thought, "Yes! I can totally be a part of this!" It made me so excited to call myself an ITeams missionary, and know that there are so many other Christians around the world who are a part of this mission too, using their unique gifts and callings to accomplish this common goal.

I'm thrilled to be reminded that God is at work all over the world, and the global Church is connected through and for His purpose. And that includes me.

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